Join us today in participating in our Senior Class Gift Campaign!
- Give a gift of any amount - to an area of the University you feel most passionate about.
- Become an advocate and help spread the word. Share your individual link and inspire others to participate.
- Attend donor-only events to celebrate the impact being made by our class and enjoy our last moments on campus as Fisher students.
- Follow us on social (@sjfseniorgiving), for updates, upcoming tabling and event opportunities, fun announcements, prizes, and more!
2023 Wine Glass and Philanthropy Cords
Donate $25
3/31 SGC Event! Cornhole Tournament/Drinks!
Hey Everyone - Next donor-only event is this Friday! Register to participate today.
- Friday, March 31 | 7pm - 9:30pm | SLC Fieldhouse
- Cornhole Tournament and Open Play Games
- 2 Drink Tickets per person, Food, and Prizes for Cornhole Tournament Winners
Link to register to attend the event: CLICK HERE
Link to register your two-person team for corn hole: CLICK HERE
*MAX 24 teams!
685 days ago by ChristinaExciting News!
Congratulations Senior Class of 2023! We have surpassed the total amount of donors from last years 2022 Senior Gift Campaign. Keep up the amazing work! Our next goal is 150 donors, and if we reach this goal seniors will unlock a special prize!!!
711 days ago by Christina